Do any of the below questions sound familiar to you?
My mobile has been blocked by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) What do I do?
I travel to Pakistan every year and this year I found that the mobile phone I have always used is not working anymore. What do I do?
I have sent a mobile/tablet/mobile computer to Pakistan to my family as a gift and the device is now stuck at Pakistan Customs and they are demanding PTA NOC for the clearance of device. What do I do?
I ordered a phone from overseas and the phone is now stuck at Pakistan Customs. What should I do for its clearance?
I need to pay the tax and duty on my mobile phone to make it PTA compliant. But how do I pay the taxes?
I have ordered a few SIM based GSM devices for my business. The devices seem to be blocked by PTA and are not working. How do I make them operational?
If either of the above questions sound relevant to you then chances are that your mobile or SIM based device needs to go through the registration process from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA). As part of this registration, both of your desired outcomes will be met i.e. the duties and taxes on your device will be paid and you will be able to start using your device and secondly you will be provided Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) No Objection Certificate Copy (PTA NOC) which you can then use as part of your device clearance process through Pakistan Customs.
Here is what you need to do:
Find out the IMEI number of your device. This number is always given on the packaging of the device. You can also find IMEI number by typing in *#06# on your device.
Forward this IMEI number to us on email ( or at +923214378896
We will get back to you within 24 hours on the applicable government charges and taxes
Your device will become operational in 24 hours once the duties will be paid
You will receive PTA NOC copy within three days which you can use as part of your customs clearance process.
Just for some background, this device registration allows Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to store the IMEI number of your device in Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA)’s database as a compliant and active device. This registration then helps any cellular network to identify your device as a registered device allowing you unrestricted usage of the device for your personal or professional requirements.

The same is true for devices for business purposes as well. Whether you wish to use GSM POS (Point of Sale) machine, biometric device, handheld device or any other device with SIM, we are here to help you with your device registration and compliance requirements. We look forward to hearing from you at or dial us at +923214378896.