The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of Qatar recently released Version 5 of its Class License for Short-Range Devices (SRDs), replacing the old version 4. This update reflects stakeholder feedback, aligns with international standards, and addresses the rapid advancements in wireless technology. For manufacturers, developers, and regulatory professionals, understanding these revisions—ranging from expanded frequency bands to updated power limits is crucial to ensuring compliance and maintaining seamless market access in Qatar. The brief summary of the new changes implemented in the version 5 is given below.

1. Frequency Band Adjustments for non specific SRDs
Excluded bands:
• ISM Bands excluded:
6765-6795 kHz
862-863 MHZ
**These bands are now excluded from the Version 5.
Added band:
• Non-Specific Short-Range Devices:
3100-3400 MHz
3400-3800 MHz
4200-4800 MHz
6000-8500 MHz
8500-9000 MHz
**CRA Qatar now added Generic Ultra-Wideband (UWB) in the Non-Specific SRDs
• Radio Determination Applications:
Movement Detection and Alert Systems: 4500-7000 MHz
Tank Level Probing Radar: 6000-8500 MHz, 24.05-26.5 GHz
Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar: 17.1-17.3 GHz
** These new ranges are now added in Radio Determination Applications as per Version 5.
• Inductive Applications:
New frequency ranges added:
1559-1610 MHz
1563-1591 MHz
1164-1215 MHz
1215-1300 MHz
• Terrestrial Radio Receivers:
Newly added ranges:
526.5-1606.5 kHz
87.5-108.0 MHz
174-230 MHz
**Specifications now aligned with GSO 2693:2022 for AM/FM/T-DAB+ services.
2. Modifications in Technical Specifications
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Applications (870-874.4 MHz):
• Version 4:
Allowed duty cycles of ≤10% for Network Access Points and ≤2.5% for other devices, with channel spacing ≤200 kHz.
• Version 5:
Adaptive Power Control (APC) is now mandatory for spectrum sharing.
ERP must be limited to ≤5 mW from the device’s maximum power.
All nomadic/mobile devices in data networks must be controlled by a master Network Access Point (NAP).
** Version 5 also allows the duty cycles of ≤10% for Network Access Points and ≤2.5% for other devices, with channel spacing ≤200 kHz, but now with mandated APC to reduce equipment’s ERP.
DECT Devices (1880-1900 MHz):
• Version 4: Allowed up to 250 mW EIRP for indoor residential use with integral antennas.
• Version 5 Updates:
Power limits: Nominal transmit power remains at 250 mW (24 dBm), but EIRP varies based on antenna type:
Omnidirectional: Up to -26 dBm
Directional: Up to -20 dBm
Expanded applications include:
Home monitoring systems
Door phones
Baby monitors
Home and industrial automation
Professional audio systems (PMSE)
**Usage remains restricted to indoor environments (homes/offices) with integral antennas.
3. Medical Device and Healthcare Applications
Active Medical Implants:
• New frequency bands introduced:
315-600 kHz
12,500-20,000 kHz
430-440 MHz
**These bands could be used for animal implants, Ultra Low Power animal implant devices and Ultra Low Power Wireless Medical Capsule Endoscopy.
Medical Body Area Networks (MBANS) (2483.5-2500 MHz):
• Version 4:
Restricted usage to healthcare facilities with Listen Before Talk (LBT) and Adaptive Frequency Agility (AFA) systems, duty cycles ≤10%.
• Version 5:
Adds a channel spacing requirement of ≤3 MHz, while retaining the original conditions.
** Now the MBANs are allowed to be used indoor only within the patient’s home.
4. Key Changes in Specific Applications
Radio Microphone Applications:
• New Category: Hearing Aid Systems (Inductive Loop Systems)
Frequency Range: 100 Hz to 9 kHz
Maximum RF Output Power: 120 dBµ/m at 10m
** Designed to assist the hearing impaired with antennas < 1/20 λ.
• Expanded Hearing Aid Frequency Ranges and Power Limits:
169.4 - 174 MHz: 10 mW ERP
169.4 - 169.475 MHz: 500 mW ERP
169.4875 - 169.5875 MHz: 500 mW ERP
Wireless Microphone Systems:
• Regulation Standards:
Version 4: Complied with EN 301 357 and EN 300 422
Version 5: Complies only with EN 301 357
** In the latest version 5 only standard EN 301 357 is required
Wireless Audio Applications:
• Frequency range updates:
1795 - 1800 MHz (V4): Changed to 1785 - 1805 MHz (V5)
823 - 826 MHz (V4): Changed to 821.5 - 826 MHz (V5)
** The utilization of these bands might require a license
RFID Applications:
• Frequency Range: 400 - 600 kHz
RF Power Output:
Version 4: -8 dBµA/m at 10m
Version 5: -5 dBµA/m at 10m, with a total of -8 dBµA/m at 10m per 10 kHz
** According to the new requirements for this frequency range the channel spacing of ≥30 kHz
5. New Regulations for UWB Technology and WAS/RLAN
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Data Transmission:
• Version 4: 2.7 - 3.4 GHz
• Version 5:
Split into:
2.7 - 3.1 GHz
3.1 - 3.4 GHz
** Maximum peak EIRP of -36 dBm
Wireless Access Systems (WAS/RLAN):
• New Frequency Range: 5925 - 6425 MHz
Low Power Devices: 23 dBm EIRP
Very Low Power Devices: 14 dBm EIRP
** Consult the class license for the operation of RLAN devices within the 5925-6425 Band (CRA/SM/TA/001/2022).
At Nano Technology Solutions, we are committed to keeping our clients, partners, and industry stakeholders informed about the latest regulatory developments. Our expert team is on the ground in Qatar, ready to assist with all aspects of Type Approval, ensuring seamless market access for your wireless products. For more information or personalized support, please reach out to us at